Seventeen Weeks Ebook
Memoirs of Kayleigh Sanderson pt6
de Chris Orchin
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There is however unfinished business at Kiandru. She had fallen in love with a child there, Aziza and decided to seek adoption. This is the story of her residence in Kenya, a time of happiness as well as some more traumas. The question is will the Courts allow her to adopt Aziza.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Literatura y ficción
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 304 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: feb. 17, 2020
- Última modificación mar. 22, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Africa, Fiction, Love
Acerca del creador
Writing and Photography are my 4th and 5th careers. Together they are taking me to different places and worlds as I see things through new eyes and always looking for the unusual and unexpected. Photography now competes with writing fiction. My first 'Memories Fade the Spirit Lingers' is a historical romance and ghost story with a difference as it covers nearly four centuries. The second 'Trust Betrayed' is very different and deals with what happens when trust between a photographer and model breaks down. My latest challenge is in writing the Memoirs of Kayleigh Sanderson which is still being written although the first books in the series are available here at Blurb. This is the life of a poor child who despite tragedies has a dream and the will to succeed. My photographic work includes traditional landscape including books of my journeys to Portugal and Kenya. In addition I work with a few professional models on projects covering ranging for casual fashion to fine art nude.