Children's Poems
de Jeanne Fiedler
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This book brings children to a make believe land where they can feel safe and secure in their magical world. From unicorns, to fairies and hobbits, the fantasy poems and photos bring fun and imagination in every corner of their lives. Good for P -3.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros para niños
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 34 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: jun. 12, 2017
- Última modificación ago. 31, 2018
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave children, fantasy, fun, poems, love
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Acerca del creador
Jeanne Fiedler
Washington Township, NJ 07676
My artwork is all based on things that move me emotionally, spiritually and mentally. It heals me and puts me in balance, and I try to heal others by moving them in some way or affecting their perception or attitudes, bringing them to a more transcendent and positive state.