A Connoisseur's Field Guide to Happiness Ebook
Discerning Subtle Nuances in the Myriad Forms of Happiness!
de by Patricia Guy
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There are many forms of Happiness, some as ephemeral as a butterfly and some that hum quietly in the background of your life. In this book, Patricia offers her field notes on the many forms and nuances of Happiness.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Autoayuda
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 20 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: ene. 24, 2013
- Última modificación ene. 24, 2013
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Happiness, spirituality, finding, more, joy
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Acerca del creador
Patricia Guy
Austin, Texas, USA
Patricia Guy was born and raised in Ft. Worth, Texas. With a BFA in Theater/Acting from the University of Texas, training in Cherokee sacred studies and Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, Boddhisattva vows taken in the Nyingmapa and Drikung Kagyu Tibetan traditions, she spent 18 years applying what she learned in the area of community development and recreation program management at Austin Parks and Recreation Department. At the age of 53 she is reinventing herself, and emerging as a poet, artist, writer, speaker, consultant and enlightenment facilitator. She currently lives is Austin, Texas, with her husband, David, and a vivid imagination.