The Keeper of the King's Stores Ebook
A True Tale of Philadelphia in 1776
de [Catherine Loxley], attrib., David Bindle, ed.
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The true story of Major Benjamin Loxely of Philadelphia who, in 1776, committed high-treason when he abandoned his post as Keeper of the King's Stores. In this position, Loxley was responsible for all the British cannons, small arms and munitions stores in Philadelphia. When he defected and joined George Washington's continental army, the weapons fell into the hands of the rebels. This branded Loxely as a traitor and a reward was offered for his head or capture. This put Loxley's family in grave danger as the British came to occupy the city. Loxley returned from battle just in time to move his family, including his gravely injured son, to a secret location just outside the city, where Loxley would continue to produce cannons and munitions for the rebel army. But it was not long before their hideout was revealed and the British were once again, hot on their trail. The story reads like a short novel, and is attributed to Loxley's wife, Catherine, who's character is present throughout the story.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Historia
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 124 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: jul. 16, 2012
- Última modificación may. 15, 2014
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave American, Revolution, British, occupation, of, Philadelphia, High-treason, Artillery, Families, during, war, time
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David's research interest involves Special Collections Librarianship; specifically, in how digital technologies and communication tools are transforming the former methodologies in which libraries can pursue and develop their Special Collections and Archives. As well as developing new collection strategies, David is also involved in making "hidden-collections" discoverable through digitization and publishing initiatives. Combining his interest in photography with his research interests, he continues to publish unique subject specific books as a way of disseminating rare and unique manuscripts and collections.