The Subject of Nature Ebook
One photographer's point of view
de Gary R Soper
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The Subject of Nature is a collection of some of my personal favorite wildlife images that I have captured from the Midwestern United States. Most of the images were taken in Kankakee Co. in northeastern Illinois. The wildlife images in the book represent many hours over the last seven years of being in the field with a camera in sometimes less than favorable conditions.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 114 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: feb. 11, 2012
- Última modificación feb. 20, 2012
- Idioma English
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Gary Soper
Kankakee, IL, USA
Gary Soper is an award winning wildlife photographer focusing on the Midwestern United States, primarily Illinois. His wildlife images and prints have been featured in advertising and newspapers as well as being displayed in homes and offices across the United States and in Germany. Gary likes to think that his wildlife images are a voice that brings an awareness to wildlife and the nature areas that are under constant pressure from man.