
Jackie Dill

Coyle, Oklahoma, United States
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About the Author
"Heritage Wildcrafter" Jackie Dill is considered by many to
be one of Oklahoma's natural treasures.
For over 50 years Jackie Dill has lived the the life and embraced
the traditions of a heritage wildcrafter, traditions that have been
handed down through many generations of her Native American
family. Just as those who came before her, Jackie keeps these
traditions alive by teaching and inspiring her children and
grandchildren. For Jackie Dill the art of wildcrafting is a way of life
and a daily pursuit.
With many people in Oklahoma struggling with financial
challenges, even putting food on the table can be very difficult.
Jackie has made it a priority to help those individuals in need to
add wild food to their home food supply and storage. She has
also taught them how to forage to help feed their animals.
Nothing is as rewarding to Jackie as helping those who are
hungry to be able to supply enough food for their families.
Jackie has been featured in many publications.

Libros por Jackie Dill