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<br> The Simpsons Pinball Party is a Stern pinball machine launched in 2003 based mostly on the extremely popular sitcom that we have come to know and love. of the show’s favourite characters on a two-level playfield, full with game modes influenced by various basic episodes. The game features some of the complex rule sheets ever designed for a pinball machine and offers players the power to stack various modes and multi-balls on high of each other. Ghostbusters is a Stern pinball machine released in 2016 and it is a great movie themed machine that is enjoyable for the entire family. The game contains custom speech by Ernie Hudson, who guides players into becoming the most recent member of the Ghostbusters team.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><h2>Williams Monster Bash Operations Handbook<!--/</proxy--></h2><br><br>