
Peter Baumgartner

United States
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Peter J Baumgartner’s fine art photography is often characterized by the deliberate manipulation of imagery to visualize time, natural forces and explore living ecologies. His photographs have been exhibited in group shows nationally as well as online. His landscapes are in the collection of the National Film Board of Canada. Others are in private collections.

Peter is the author of 'London Goes To Sea' - available on Amazon.com

As a student at Tufts University, Peter studied photography for three years with the School of the Museum of Fine Arts faculty. After Tufts Peter explored the western US and Canada in a van with a custom photo platform built on the roof. The platform was modeled on the one Ansel Adams had on the roof of his station wagon. Peter worked for several years during this period as a freelance photographer before returning East to attend Boston University.

Peter is the founder of North Atlantic Publishing Systems, Inc.

Libros por Peter Baumgartner