
Mia Caviness

San Rafael, CA
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Mia Caviness is a high school senior at Principia School in Saint Louis, Missouri. Poetry and art have always been a focus in her life. She started writing poetry in elementary school and has never been seen without some form of art utensil in her hands.

This book is part of her senior project. It seemed only fitting in her final year of high school to pull together both interests into a capstone project. As part of her project, and in an effort to give back to her community, Mia also held a book and art supply drive for children and teens in need. She hopes this book will reflect her love of art and poetry and will inspire other young artists to publish their work as well.

Mia also has been playing the piano for 11 years and dancing for 14 years. She will be attending San Diego State University in the fall to study interior architecture. She is from Marin County, across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. She has a younger brother and a younger sister, and a dog named Ginger.

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