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<br> Massage therapy could be as simple as a rubbing or stroking of the skin to an elaborate method that involves precise manipulation and kneading. However, whether you call it massage or not it involves touching and manipulating the human body in ways that promote healing of the various organs and systems. The aim of massage therapy is to restore harmony and improve function.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>One form of massage therapy is known as the watsu. Watsu is an Japanese term that roughly translates to 'Oriental Bodywork' however it is more commonly known as massage. In Japanese it is the word for "ido" or "quality of living.' Watsu is typically characterized by one-on one massage sessions where an individual or therapist gently manipulates or stretches a recipient in warm water by using hand movements, finger tips and elbows. In a massage session the client is fully covered, and the therapist or practitioner is only allowed t