
Yiannis Galanopoulos

Abu Dhabi, UAE
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Dr Ioannis Galanopoulos-Papavasileiou (aka Yiannis Galanopoulos) is an Associate Professor of Art at Zayed University, UAE and a contemporary interdisciplinary visual artist. His photographic work has been shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions in galleries and institutions in UAE, Europe, the US, Australia, China and Japan. Most notably at Athens Photo Festival, the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts in Japan, the Venice Biennale, the Florence Biennale, the Sharjah Exposure fesdtival in the UAE, the Pingyao International Photography Festival in China, the Czong Institute for Contemporary Art in Korea, and the Eyes on Main Street Festival in the USA. Ioannis writes on photography and film and is a regular contributor to scholarly research journals and publications such as Taylor and Francis; The Journal of Visual Practice Research and Photography and Culture, CGRNet's On the Image and the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature.

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