
Viola Ware

Washington, United States
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Viola Ware lives on the Olympic Peninsula where she works as Program Director of Dream U a work/training program and Drop-in center for homeless and at-risk youth and young adults in rural Clallam County.

Viola is currently in school full time pursuing a degree in Criminology and Gender Studies. She hopes to continue on to research. In 2012, Viola was named to the All-Washington Academic Team and has managed to maintain a place on the Dean's list for her academic efforts.

As well as having a number of articles and photos appear in The Buccaneer, Viola's poetry has been published in the Tidepools Literary Magazine's 2011, 2012, and 2013 issues, winning first place in the category of Student Writing in 2011 and first place in Adult Poetry in 2013. She has also had a number of poems appear in In Between Hangovers published in the UK, as well as in the second issue of Killpoet magazine.

Libros por Viola Ware