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Rogan Wolf is a poet, translator and editor. For much of his working life he was a mental health social worker. He believes that poetry and other forms of clean language can help defend and renew community, opening people's lives to each other, in contrast to the deadly languages of Spin and Sell and Propaganda. Poetry therefore belongs in the public realm, speaking to people true and warm and real. Wolf runs a project called "Poems for..the wall" which offers small poem-posters free of charge for public display. Many of the poems are bilingual and by internationally famous poets. 50 different languages are represented. The project has been funded by the UK Arts Council, the NHS and the Foreign Office, among others. Its poems go to schools, libraries and waiting rooms all over the world. The poems can be downloaded from the project's website - https:/
Wolf runs a small charity called Hyphen-21 - - and he keeps a blog -