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Master Nelson Tsou, Yen-Kai began formal training in Northern Shaolin Long Fist in 1961, in Taiwan under Grand Master Li Mao-Ching, and while he was introduced to other arts along the way, it is the system to which he has devoted his years of study and sharing.
Artie Aviles first studied Goju-Ryu Karate, starting in 1965, and in 1969 began adding Chinese Martial Arts to his studies, initially with Yang style Tai Chi Chuan, then, from 1972 on, concentrating on developing his understanding of Northern Long Fist under Master Tsou.
James Man Chin has trained in Chinese Martial Arts since 1973, beginning with Northern Long Fist under Master Tsou. When Master Tsou retired from teaching James added an in depth study of Swai Jiao to his understanding. He trained under Lao Shi-Fu Jeng Hsing-Ping, who had long been the assistant instructor and demonstration partner for Great Grand Master Chang Tung-Sheng at the Taiwan Police College, and was national Swai Jiao champion three years running.