de Henrieke I. Strecker
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Acerca del libro electrónico
In my voluntary activity in a children’s
hospice in Berlin I accompany a little
boy to whom I dedicate this book.
The resulting microscopic photographs
and poems reflect the world of his tears.
In gratitude and solidarity
Henrieke I. Strecker
hospice in Berlin I accompany a little
boy to whom I dedicate this book.
The resulting microscopic photographs
and poems reflect the world of his tears.
In gratitude and solidarity
Henrieke I. Strecker
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 37 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: feb. 16, 2017
- Última modificación mar. 01, 2017
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Children hospice, Tears, Microscope, Poems, Botanical Garden, Volunteering, Photography, Art
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Acerca del creador
Henrieke I. Strecker
Berlin, Germany
From early childhood, nature has been my teacher. I am self-taught, learning from nature. When young I watched the flora of the Black Forest, its changes, how it unfolds, how time works upon it. Each step is its own beauty. I look at a wilting flower and see it become a beautiful gown. Nature knows much. Gradually I learn some of what nature knows. This learning becomes my art.