Tell Me a Story
An interactive book for children and parents
de Rosemary Claus-Gray
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Acerca del libro
"Tell Me a Story" is an alphabet book for children and parents to enjoy together. It's meant to read aloud, to encourage silliness and laughter as each of you add to the story in words, rhymes, and actions. This book can stimulate creativity in children, as well as self expression. Enjoy magical moments with your child while you invent outrageous stories about these imaginary critters.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros para niños
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 56 - Fecha de publicación: nov. 19, 2009
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Acerca del creador
Rosemary Claus-Gray
Doniphan, MO. USA
Rosemary has more than 30 years service to others in her work as a clinical social worker. She's always created things for her family and friends, and is now a full time award winning artist, working with fabric, thread and paint. She is combining her love for art and her therapy experience in writing books for children based on her folk art critters. Some books are fun, written to encourage creativity, while other books are written to help a child cope difficult situations. She has created "Rosemary's Art" as a portfolio.