Lëtzebuerger Déierenimm
de Diane Jodes
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Acerca del libro
a series of prints illustrating uniquely Luxembourgish animal names
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
- Categorías adicionales Bellas artes
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 22 - Fecha de publicación: jul. 27, 2019
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Illustration, Kunst, Radierung
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Acerca del creador
Diane Jodes
Luxembourg-city, Luxembourg
Diane Jodes is a founding member of Empreinte, Luxembourg's only collective printmaking studio and currently works at Semaphore Art Studios at Oetrange-Gare, Luxembourg. She regularly exhibits in Luxembourg and abroad. Diane Jodes lives with her husband, daughter and dog Beaubête in Luxembourg-city. Beaubête is a French Bulldog with a will of her own, who enjoys her daily walk in the woods.