Rural Living - From the Sea to the Land
A Collection of Images by Anthony Donnelly
de Anthony Donnelly
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Educación
- Categorías adicionales Naturaleza / Vida salvaje, Historia
Características: Cuadrado grande, 30×30 cm
N.º de páginas: 20 - Fecha de publicación: ene. 12, 2019
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave history, crofting, Isle of Skye, Scotland, rural
Acerca del creador
Anthony Donnelly has over fifteen years experience within the photographic industry. He started by developing and producing other photographers work into print and book formats. In 2015 Anthony took the decision to start shooting and producing his own photographic images. Educated to degree level and with a decade and a half of experience, he has become an award winning landscape photographer. Recognised by both the MPA (The Master Photographers Association) and the BIPP (British Institute of Professional Photographers) Anthony has photographed some of the most iconic locations throughout the Scottish landscape and has been rewarded by winning awards for images such as "Rannoch Waters," "Long Day" and "Home Waters." Anthony's captures allow the viewer to instantly find themselves moving into and through a breathing landscape, taking them on the natural journey which bonds both the image and viewer together.