Waves of Enlightenment of Gaia Ebook
Waves of Awakening Consciousness
de Maya Soaringsun
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Acerca del libro electrónico
'Waves of Enlightenment of Gaia' take you on a visionary journey into 'Waves' from a Cosmic Universal Ocean inspiring and invoking an Awakened Consciousness on Earth. The 'Waves of Enlightenment of Gaia' paintings offer visionary insights and poetic inspirations to understand and embrace the evolutionary changes of the Awakened Consciousness of this New Age and to find the inner navigation through this transition to successfully raise the vibrations of our actions, our children, our relationships, our understanding of challenge, faith, miracles, and to 'Surf the Waves' of 'The Enlightenment of Gaia.'
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
- Categorías adicionales Bellas artes, Inspiración
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 44 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: nov. 08, 2018
- Última modificación mar. 06, 2023
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave inspiration, gaia, enlightenment, waves, ocean
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Acerca del creador
As an artist I am here to influence and awaken perception of the multi- dimensional fields of living spirit within nature... to illuminate what underlies everything... directing expression in my art toward the underlying mystery of the consciousness of creation. The literary accompaniment further invokes contemplation that through realizing the interdependency and universal interconnectedness of all life we will transform ourselves and the living earth.