A Celebration of Slashers
de Paul Booth, Alena Karkanias
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Paul Booth is Professor at DePaul University. He is the author of Board Games as Media (2021, Bloomsbury), Watching Doctor Who (2020, Bloomsbury, with Craig Owen Jones), Crossing Fandoms (Palgrave 2016), Digital Fandom 2.0 (Peter Lang 2016), Playing Fans (University of Iowa 2015), Game Play (Bloomsbury 2015), Time on TV (Peter Lang 2012), and Digital Fandom (Peter Lang 2010). He has edited Companion to Media Fandom and Fan Studies (2018, Wiley), Seeing Fans (Bloomsbury 2016, with Lucy Bennett), Controversies in Digital Ethics (Bloomsbury 2016, with Amber Davisson), and Fan Phenomena: Doctor Who (Intellect 2013). He has published numerous articles on fans, social media, and technology. His research interests include fandom, new technologies and media, popular culture, and cult media. He is currently enjoying a cup of coffee.