De Locmiquelic à la trinité sur Mer , le 20 octobre 2017
Collection "Incertain Jour"
de Patrick Canhan
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le 20 octobre 2017.
Nous sommes un vendredi.
En face de Lorient, Locmiquélic., village portuaire
sobre et solide.
Un havre de paix où son marché sent bon la vie simple et bien faite..
Puis Kerner et son île, belle comme une huître..
Ce vendredi, nombreux sont ceux qui à marée
basse dénichent praires, coques et couteaux.
Les voiliers sont affaissés, et les catamarans somnolent. Tout va bien.
La lumière est blanche mais non diffuse. Les
choses prennent leur relief.
Puis enfin la Trinité sur mer.
Le port culte où, de celui ci, parte les plus belles épopées maritimes.
Indolente en fin de journée..
Bien campée sur son granit.
Avec son intemporel sentier des douaniers,
sinueux et qui rend toujours amoureux.
Je l'aime. aussi ainsi. ENGLISH : From Locmiquélic to Trinité sur Mer,
October 20, 2017.
We are a Friday.
In front of Lorient, Locmiquélic., Port village
sober and solid.
A haven of peace where his market smells good life simple and well done ..
Then Kerner and his island, beautiful as an oyster ..
This Friday many are those who at tide
low find clams, hulls and knives.
The sailboats are sunk, and the catamarans doze. Everything is fine.
The light is white but not diffuse. The
things take their relief.
Then finally Trinity on sea.
The cult port where it leaves the most beautiful marine epics.
Indolent at the end of the day.
Well camped on her granite.
With its timeless customs trail,
sinuous and always makes love.
I love it. also so.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
Características: 13×20 cm
N.º de páginas: 72 -
- Tapa blanda: 9781388770068
- Fecha de publicación: mar. 13, 2018
- Idioma French
- Palabras clave boats, voiliers, trinté sur mer, france, ses, mer, bretagne
Acerca del creador
Born in Paris, France, in October 1956, Patrick Canhan takes his first steps in Paris, in the districts of Ménilmontant. His finger will get stuck in the porcelain inkwell of his first school! That was a good start! Since 2009, Patrick Canhan has published a collection of photographics booklets entitled "UNCERTAIN DAY" dedicated to each of his improvised photographic days. Today more than 280 photographic days have given rise to 280 notebooks, published at the author's own expense. These notebooks represent his innumerable wanderings, both in France, in Europe and Asia. Recent exhibitions : Poetry and photography, gallery Christiane Peugeot, Champs-Elysées, Paris, June 2017 6th meeting of photography, Dieppe, France, October, 2017 Salon des Beaux Arts, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, décember2017 Exhibition in Tokyo, Seoul and Pékin,.June 2018 Exhibition Paris, gallery les Parnassiens, february 2019 Invited as a photographic resident, city of Liévin, France, June 2019