Faces of a Global Community Third Edition
Portraits from around the Globe
de Photographs by Vincent Spione
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Características y detalles
Características: Apaisado estándar, 25×20 cm
N.º de páginas: 80 - Fecha de publicación: ago. 26, 2009
Acerca del creador
Spione was born and reared in New York. He is a graduate of the State University of New York and Cornell University. He served as the Deputy Director for Planning & Evaluation for an international NGO for a decade. He is a self - taught photographer. His work has been published internationally. His photographs have appeared in magazines, publications, print ads and corporate annuals in over 50 countries on five continents. Spione is a self - proclaimed "documentary portrait" photographer focusing on capturing the natural expressions of his subjects. He has travelled to over 60 countries across the globe, calling all of them his favorite. He challenges himself with trying to sample all the local cuisine while in country. Favorite food.... too many to list.