A Special Day to Remember
my unforgettable moments
de Sylvia H. Gallegos
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Each one of us have special days to remember, birthdays, aniversaries, any special ocassion that you don't want to forget, you'll be able to mark it here.
This is not an agenda for an specific year, this is an agenda for your special days...
and you will be able to use it forever.
"A Special Day to Remember" will be
your first step to have in mind
unforgettable moments.
In this world where we're always on a hurry, we spend less time with the most important things in life... our beloved ones. So, take a moment and write your specials days names, you'll notice the difference because you'll be prepared to say... I love you... I remember —your birthday, our anniversary, etc. — and I care about you.
This is not an agenda for an specific year, this is an agenda for your special days...
and you will be able to use it forever.
"A Special Day to Remember" will be
your first step to have in mind
unforgettable moments.
In this world where we're always on a hurry, we spend less time with the most important things in life... our beloved ones. So, take a moment and write your specials days names, you'll notice the difference because you'll be prepared to say... I love you... I remember —your birthday, our anniversary, etc. — and I care about you.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Familias y paternidad
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 80 - Fecha de publicación: jul. 21, 2009
- Palabras clave A Special Day to Remember, happy days, moments agenda
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