Schmidt Sean Andreas Schmidt
de Andreas Schmidt
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Acerca del libro
Fifteen double-page spreads juxtapose various photographs of Andreas Schmidt and his son Sean Schmidt, both at similar ages, from birth to approximately four years old.
We can witness both Andreas Schmidt and Sean Schmidt, time delayed by almost exactly 38 years, do all the usual things children do, like taking their first steps, riding a bike, visiting a Zoo, playing in the snow and we are presented with their favourite pyjama, a pet tortoise and a 3rd birthday event.
Yet what appears to be an obvious comparison is perhaps more revealing and profound when considered for longer than the turning of a page, as it is our universal use of the camera in connection with family events that is being analysed in this book.
Was Andreas Schmidt led to take certain photographs of his son because he knew of his own pictures in his family album? Is it just a coincidence that 38 years on his son's favourite pyjama is also yellow? Do we remember life from our first few years or do we remember life from the photographs of our first few years as assembled in our family albums?
Ultimately, like in the final scene of Stanley Kubrick's film "2001", in which linear time has been disrupted and an astronaut sees an image of himself as an old man, first eating and then lying on a bed, dying, only to turn into an embryo, this book reminds us that we are simultaneously our sons and our fathers and that we are part of an immense cycle.
Limited to 100 copies
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Fotografía artística
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 38 - Fecha de publicación: jul. 20, 2009
- Idioma English
Acerca del creador "knowingly at the opposite end of attractive publishing" Elisabeth Tonnard / artist "a prolific self-publisher exploring the very nature of books and magazines" Christopher Clary / artist "It's such a bold yet brilliant idea" Mishka Henner / artist "What a laugh!" Martin Parr / photographer / curator / supreme book collector "I'm appalled that you did this" Judy Natal / photographer "One more time you do a very clever job" Rémi Coignet / Le Monde "Andreas Schmidt brilliantly debunks the notion that expensive equals quality" Jonathan Lewis / artist "Andreas Schmidt takes the concept of the book and shakes it like a rag doll...until its head comes off. He finds truth in extremes." Jean Keller / artist "Schmidt is a master of the unexpected twist" Hatje Cantz Publishers "a superb collaborative photobook work" Harvey Benge / photographer "I'll track down your books" Alec Soth / photographer "a pleasingly disruptive photobo