Reflection Time And Goal Setting Ebook
End of the Year Closure, New Year Beginning
de Teon Singletary
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"Reflection Time And Goal Setting", a life-changing document, is design to show you a way to reflect over your past year in order to set goals for the coming year. It will help you with End of the Year Closure, so you could have a New Year Beginning. Be inspired and follow the step by step process. Yes, it will be challenging, but your ROI will show you that it will be worth it.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Autoayuda
- Categorías adicionales Estados Unidos de América (EUA), Inspiración
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 24 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: feb. 01, 2017
- Última modificación jun. 23, 2021
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Reflection, SP Serves, Goals, Teon Singletary
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SP Serves Publishing
SP Serves LLC was launched on May 20, 2015, but was founded in December 2013. Writing is a passion of the mind. Writing is an outlet we could use to deal with day to day living and to continue to move forward with life. Write to inspire and motivate others that anyone can grow and achieve their divine visions and dreams. The vision is to dramatically change the world in some shape or form by adding value to people one person at a time. Look below to view books that have been published for your viewing. Purchase your copy today.