Dickon's Diaries
A Yeare in the Lyff of King Richard the Third
de Joanne R Larner, Susan K Lamb
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By Ye King!
Deare Dames and loyalle Subjectes, hear ye this!
’Tis your Liege Lord and Sovereign King, Ricardus Rex Tertius, but ye have Oure permission to calle Us Dickon, for We are a right generous and kinde prince and We knoweth ye loveth Us right welle (especially ye Dames).
We hath been keepyng Oure own personall diary, a diary whyche telleth of Oure lyff here at Muddleham and ye adventures of Us, Oure wyff, Anne, the Quene and Oure loyalle and trustie friend and servaunt, Francis Lovell. We hath wryttn down alle Oure thoughts and anecdotes for your pleasure.
We know ye follow Us on Ye Booke of Faces and enjoy Oure wordes of wisdom, so now can ye owne a whole booke of them. And, We hope ye shalle agree, right entertainyng it is, by Oure troth.
Let not any saye your King is not a generous and kindlie monarch! Now readeth ye on!
Deare Dames and loyalle Subjectes, hear ye this!
’Tis your Liege Lord and Sovereign King, Ricardus Rex Tertius, but ye have Oure permission to calle Us Dickon, for We are a right generous and kinde prince and We knoweth ye loveth Us right welle (especially ye Dames).
We hath been keepyng Oure own personall diary, a diary whyche telleth of Oure lyff here at Muddleham and ye adventures of Us, Oure wyff, Anne, the Quene and Oure loyalle and trustie friend and servaunt, Francis Lovell. We hath wryttn down alle Oure thoughts and anecdotes for your pleasure.
We know ye follow Us on Ye Booke of Faces and enjoy Oure wordes of wisdom, so now can ye owne a whole booke of them. And, We hope ye shalle agree, right entertainyng it is, by Oure troth.
Let not any saye your King is not a generous and kindlie monarch! Now readeth ye on!
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Humor
Características: 15×23 cm
N.º de páginas: 304 -
- Tapa dura, sobrecubierta: 9781366492746
- Tapa blanda: 9781366492739
- Tapa dura impresa: 9781366492753
- Fecha de publicación: ene. 11, 2017
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Richard III, Wars of the Roses, medieval, Plantagenet, York, humour
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Acerca del creador
Joanne Larner
Rayleigh, Essex, UK
I always wanted to be a novelist since the age of thirteen or so and started many projects, but never managed to finish...until I was inspired by the enigmatic King Richard III. The rest is (literally) history!