Les baisers volés - couv souple
de Cyril Dubois & Noémie Villedey
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Acerca del libro
A peine envolé, un baiser est volé… Le chevalier auquel il était destiné parviendra-t-il à le retrouver ? Quel danger devra-t-il affronter ?
Ce conte aux saveurs d’antan rappellera à tous les jeunes de cœur que l’Amour, accompagné d’un peu de volonté et de courage, peut vaincre tous les obstacles !
Extrait :
“Mais le baiser, au lieu d’aller se poser sur la bouche du chevalier qui attendait les yeux fermés, fut comme aspiré par un grand coup de vent et s’envola au loin, en direction de la montagne maudite …”
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros para niños
Características: 20×25 cm
N.º de páginas: 32 -
- Tapa blanda: 9781367849884
- Fecha de publicación: abr. 19, 2016
- Idioma French
- Palabras clave Enfants, contes, princesse, dragon, ogre
Acerca del creador
Born and raised in France, Alix Fresson worked for 15 years in the social-cultural field in France, Luxemburg, Venezuela, Germany and the Netherlands. When she moved to New York City in 2010, she took the decision to turn her favorite hobby into a new career and to become a Graphic Designer. She studied Graphic Design at the New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies, after which she worked as a freelance graphic designer for several clients, including the Netherlands Mission to the United Nations. She also worked for three years as a Website Assistant for the Department of Public Information of the United Nations until she moved to Brussels in August 2014. She currently lives in New Delhi, India