How I Remember It Ebook
My Private War
de Chet Nycum with Paul F Whitman
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Historia
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 280 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: mar. 25, 2016
- Última modificación mar. 13, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Negros, Corregidor, Paratrooper, WW2
Acerca del creador
Through the Corregidor Historic Society and, more recently the 503d PRCT Heritage Regiment., Paul presents thirteen publications, all connected in some way with Corregidor and the US Armed Forces in the SWPA during WWII. He started developing the Corregidor.Org website about the 1941-42 siege and the 1945 retaking of Corregidor as a penance for being an insolvency lawyer. Now retired, he has produced ten websites, more than a dozen Military History books, and has co-produced, with Peter Parsons, the documentary of the 1945 retaking of Corregidor - "CORREGIDOR - THE ROAD BACK. He married Rosie in 1980, has three adult children, and hates cats. He lives between two shores, Corregidor and Brisbane, Australia.