The Second Frampton Shoot Book
2008-8 season
de Terry Cripps
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 44 - Fecha de publicación: abr. 30, 2009
- Palabras clave country sports, art photographs, Shooting, hunting, Gloucestershire, reportage, birds, pheasants, countryside.
Acerca del creador
My latest book is a collection of the paintings I produced in Tavira, Portugal. 2019 I was 'Visiting Artist" at the Guildhall Art Gallery, City of London the exhibition was entitled 'Guildhall Abstracted". I started out as a visuliser, then an art director, both in advertising and publishing, I am now a painter. My books are currently a way of publishing to my friends the stuff they never get to see, and paintings they can't afford. Current books are themes that occur in my paintings. Erik, for instance, was formed after a visit to Crete. Inspired by the writings and characters of Linear A and B I have woven them into a myth story of a lost god. The travel books show my continued love of photography and I hope they provide a valuable insight to places, cultures, and people that expand my understanding of others. Paintings can be grand canvases or small 8x6 montages using photographs as backgrounds. Digital work is printed on archival paper or alumini