A Time to Ponder
de Mark Young and Sue Johns
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This is one in a series of five e-books. Portable words of inspiration. They may look just like "coffee table" fodder but beware, behind the sparse words and strong images is enough to keep you reflecting for a long time! Also available in printed format.
The idea came to mind when we were thinking about how we might help people on the fringes of faith to pray in a range of circumstances. Then we realised that it is not just the unchurched that need help, we all do. Furthermore it is all very well having nice words or thoughts to verbalise our emotions but what about a response?!
So, each of the twenty themes has a short Bible text to focus reflection and provoke thought. We offer them to you and hope that you too will find inspiration and challenge in the words and images we have chosen.
The idea came to mind when we were thinking about how we might help people on the fringes of faith to pray in a range of circumstances. Then we realised that it is not just the unchurched that need help, we all do. Furthermore it is all very well having nice words or thoughts to verbalise our emotions but what about a response?!
So, each of the twenty themes has a short Bible text to focus reflection and provoke thought. We offer them to you and hope that you too will find inspiration and challenge in the words and images we have chosen.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Fe y religión
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 44 - Fecha de publicación: abr. 15, 2009
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Acerca del creador
Mark Young, Sue Johns and Simon Walsh belong to a church in the middle of London. Conventional on the outside, anything but on the inside. You can apply to both the church and all the authors!