Are You Ready Little Caterpillar
A Poem Picture Book
de Alex Mitchell
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Acerca del libro
The author encourages us to be true to who we were born to be, and in her closing commentary she speaks to the little caterpillar in each of us when she writes, “Your destiny is to grow into something beautiful and you have been ready for this since the day you were born.” This poem picture book’s creative spirit, style, and timeless message are alluring to all ages. All the illustrations are reproduced from the artist’s hand-painted originals.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros para niños
- Categorías adicionales Autoayuda, Libros de arte y fotografía
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 40 - Fecha de publicación: jul. 01, 2015
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave feel worthy, caterpillar, butterfly, illustration
Acerca del creador
Hi, I’m Alex. I’m an artist, teacher, and fashion misfit. But really, I’m a rebel on a mission to bring more joy to the world, one human at a time. Starting with myself. I’m amazing at exploring and expressing my creativity. And I’ve devoted most of my life to my art. Here’s what I figured out: There’s always a way to bring more creative play into your life. My work matters because expressing your creativity is the fastest way to feeling good. And I’m here to remind you that your creative genius is already inside of you waiting to flow out. Your only job is to crack the shell of your resistance. So my question for you is: If not now, when? If you’re looking for ways to have fun with your creative side, I’d love to help you. Here’s your next move: Get on my mailing list! It’s time for a little weekly attitude boost from yours truly delivered straight to your inbox. Sign up for Twinki-mail and grab your Besties Forever freebie!