Relationships - My World
"come now, and let us reason together." (Isaiah 1:18)
de J. Thomas
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I have written a book of poetry entitled Relationships - My World. This is a book about spiritual, emotional, and mental growing pains, in devastating relationships as well as fond ones. It’s a book about how gracious God is to me- being that I have been value impoverished in the past- and how He reached out and corrected my attitude. “ I was blind, but now I see”, because I now know how to ask Him to show me.
It is my prayer that these poems will touch your heart and shine some light in your life as to the Glory of God, how he works His will, and how He reasons with you and others, regarding the mundane things in life, as well as the huge things.
It is my prayer that these poems will touch your heart and shine some light in your life as to the Glory of God, how he works His will, and how He reasons with you and others, regarding the mundane things in life, as well as the huge things.
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