The Stories of Towers
de Nigel Shindler
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Jews, are made in the image of God, and created all civilizations.
They built monuments,
and locked within each a story yet to unfold.
They built monuments,
and locked within each a story yet to unfold.
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
Características: Cuadrado grande, 30×30 cm
N.º de páginas: 86 -
- Tapa dura, sobrecubierta: 9781320700795
- Fecha de publicación: may. 16, 2015
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Nigel Shindler
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Nigel Shindler
Dr. Nigel Shindler is the recipient of three Doctorate Degrees. He was given the name, Nigel, at birth, a very common name in Britain, and seven days later conforming to Jewish custom, a circumcision ceremony was performed and I was given both the Hebrew name Tovia and the Yiddish equivalent Tevia, both names imply the blessings and goodness that God bestows. In later years whilst living in Israel I adopted the Hebrew name Eitan, which implies stoicism and impetuousness. All these terms, expressions, are a reflection of my nature. Bragging rights Nigel Shindler is a member of Global Society of High Intellect, (GSOHI)