The Impact of Poetry and Photography
de David Schroeder, Editor
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The images and poems in this book were part of an exhibition titled "Collision: The Impact of Poetry and Photography" which was displayed at The Photographers' Gallery from October 13 to November 14, 2008. Local, award winning poets and photographers were paired in two person teams and asked to produce unified exhibition pieces for the show. A poetry reading on October 16 highlighted the well-received event.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
Características: Apaisado estándar, 25×20 cm
N.º de páginas: 96 - Fecha de publicación: dic. 06, 2008
- Palabras clave fine art, multimedia art, Poetry, photography
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Acerca del creador
David Schroeder
Modesto, California, USA
I am a retired clinical psychologist with a history of artistic endeavors, most recently photography. As a photographer I specialize in fine art landscape and nude photography. In all areas I am drawn to images which have emotion and story.