E.J. Linklater Charlie
White River District Historical Society Vignettes of WW II Veterans Volume 1
de Jorge Cueto Herrera
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I first visited White River last year on my way West to Thunder Bay. In my short stay last year I was overwhelmed by the people, I was affected by their friendly nature, their positive attitude and willingness to work together to achieve their goals. On this return visit in April, I stayed for a couple of days, I was to hold a talk on photography and my friend Kasia was to teach a class in ceramics later that afternoon. During her class one of the ladies told me that I should go to the coffee shop next door and meet Charlie. She stated that Charlie was a World War II veteran with lots of stories, she offered to introduce us. I met Charlie at the River City Cafe. It was next to Northern Visions Art Studio and the White River Historical Museum. I grabbed my camera and walked into the restaurant. The restaurant was small. At the bar stood a woman, she smiled and said “Hello”. I introduced myself and looked around, sitting at the table was a man, he sat there with a plate of food and looked at me curiously. I introduced myself to Charlie and told him that I was recording the stories of the people of White River. I told him I was a historian and a photojournalist. I wanted to listen to his story and photograph him. Charlie seemed troubled by the fact that I wanted to take his photo. He told me that I wasn’t going to photograph him. I wasn’t sure if he was joking around. I wasn’t troubled by his resistance, I am a veteran at taking photos. I knew that after talking to him I would use my charm to convince him to be photographed. He won’t be able to resist me.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Biografías y memorias
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 26 - Fecha de publicación: oct. 18, 2013
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Canadian Pacific Railway, Lockheed Hudson, Royal Air Force, Charlie Linklater, White River Ontario, White River District Historical Society, Jorge Cueto Herrera, CPR, CuetoImages
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122 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario
www.cuetoimages.com is a photography studio located in Sudbury Ontario. Jorge Cueto Herrera is the eye behind the photos at www.cuetoimages.com. The photographs created by www.cuetoimages.com are created to tell stories, document history, portray beauty of human culture. Culture is a mode of behaviours and actions that humans do. My photography is attempt to capture this.