Beacon Light Wood Stoves
Australian Wood Stoves Series: Volume 1
de Laurie Stevenson
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'Beacon Light Wood Stoves' will be of interest to those who collect wood stove parts or who have the ambition to restore a fully-functioning 'Beacon Light Wood' stove. It examines the history of the 'Beacon Light' stove and also provides valuable information for collectors, restorers and users. The author has over thirty years experience in using, restoring and collecting Beacon Light wood stoves and shares his experiences and accumulated knowledge relating to these stoves. Beautifully illustrated, this book will be a delight for collectors and restorers alike.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Referencia
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 58 - Fecha de publicación: jul. 19, 2013
- Idioma English
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