Brave and Beautiful:
A Breast Cancer Face Book
de Susan Boe
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Many photography books focus on breast cancer and what happens to a woman's body, but this book looks at what happens to her face and heart. Photographs of 36 women with 3 months to 41 years of survivorship along with short stories about each woman will give hope to any person struggling with a cancer diagnosis. The photograph/author did the book in celebration of her own 10 year anniversary as a breast cancer survivor.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
Características: Apaisado grande, 33×28 cm
N.º de páginas: 78 - Fecha de publicación: nov. 15, 2008
- Palabras clave breast cancer, hope, survivor
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Susan Boe
City, State, Country Santa Fe, New Mexico
Susan Boe is a retired attorney, former journalist and part-time professor of media law. Documentary photography is one of her passions.