Large square 12" x 12"
de Carol Brooks Parker
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Acerca del libro
REEFSCAPES is a portfolio of underwater images taken by photographer Carol Brooks Parker in the South Pacific, captured over several years on trips to island countries including Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and the Solomon Islands. Carol's images are intended to celebrate the tapestry of color, form and rhythm of life on the coral reefs. Available in two formats: a large square book containing 70 images printed on premium luster paper, and an ebook version suitable for enjoying on a tablet.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
Características: Cuadrado grande, 30×30 cm
N.º de páginas: 80 - Fecha de publicación: dic. 27, 2012
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Acerca del creador
Carol Brooks Parker
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Carol Brooks Parker works in the realm of what has been termed "photography-based art". In this digital age Carol utilizes the camera as an artistic medium. She captures the raw image and then refines it within the digital darkroom, applying her artistic flair to realize her creative vision. Carol travels extensively in the South Pacific aboard a cruising yacht. The result is a portfolio of fine art imagery with a predilection for seascapes. A certified scuba diver, she shoots both above and below the water. When home from the sea she concentrates on nature, wildlife and equestrian subjects.