Just another bend in the river? Ebook
Images from around the Fraser River area of Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
de Martin Cooper
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Fotografía artística
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 120 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: feb. 03, 2012
- Última modificación feb. 06, 2012
- Idioma English
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Martin has been an Amateur Wildlife Photographer and full time Nature lover for over 20 years. He has spent many hours walking the trails in South Burnaby near the Fraser River and a chance encounter with a family of coyotes from a municipal golf course has made the coyote his favourite. "I think it's the eye contact, whenever I photograph a coyote there is always a moment before or after the shutter is pressed where your eyes meet which is always a magical moment to me. Of course the coyote is probably thinking it's just him in my way, again." Awards: Highly Commended (Urban Wildlife): BBC Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2011 Semi-finalist x4: BBC Veolia Wildlife photographer of the Year 2011 Honorable Mention (Mammals): Canadian Geographic Wildlife Photography of the Year 2011 Winner (Birds): Canadian Geographic Wildlife Photography of the Year 2009 Runner up (Urban Wildlife): Canadian Geographic Wildlife Photography of the Year 2009