Classic Propliners of the Golden Age Ebook
de Henry Tenby
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This book features 120 all-colour pages of classic propliners photographed in the travel glory days of the fabulous 1950s and 1960s. The images were sourced from the photo gallery website, many of which have never been published. You'll see eyeball-popping images of Lockheed Constellations, Douglas DC-3s, DC-4s, DC-6s and DC-7s, Convair Liners, Vickers Vikings, Viscounts and Vanguards, Elizabethans, Hermes, Bristol Britannias, and others. And they are all presented in the highest of quality, that you've come expect from the Press. All the classic airlines of the 1950s and 1960s such as Pan American Airlines, TWA, BOAC, United Airlines, National Airlines, Trans-Canada Airlines, Irish Air Lines, BEA, Lufthansa, Canadian Pacific, REAL and many, many more are presented in this must-have photographic keep-sake from the amazing classic golden age of travel.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Artesanías y pasatiempos
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 120 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: mar. 27, 2015
- Última modificación jul. 12, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Convair Liner, Vickers Viking, Bristol Britannia, Lockheed, Constellation, Douglas, DC-3, DC-4, DC-6, DC-7, Viscount, Vanguard, Elizabethan, Hermes
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
We produce books and DVDs catering to the needs of hard-core aviation fans. So far we've produced over 40 DVDs and we're always expanding our colour aviation book offerings.