Soma Rising
Paintings by Patricia Araujo
de Patricia Araujo
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"Beyond her own neighborhood, San Francisco as a whole can easily be seen an architect's dream city. SOMA Rising explores architectural practice as both imagination and sometimes sad reality. But it ends on a hopeful note: accepting the inevitability of change, its rooftop views show us the city from a vantage point that in itself speaks to the possibility of growth and renewal." By Jerome Tarshis
For those that have acquired this book via Blurb online, thank you so very much!
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Bellas artes
- Categorías adicionales Arquitectura
Características: Apaisado estándar, 25×20 cm
N.º de páginas: 40 - Fecha de publicación: oct. 15, 2012
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave cityscape, San Francisco, Paintings, architectural
Acerca del creador
Patricia Araujo was born in Miami, Florida, and she grew up in Bogota, Colombia. She began drawing at a very early age, always intrigued by architecture and form. After completing high school in Bogota, she moved to Northern California at the age of 19 and studied architecture, painting, and photography. In 2005 she obtained her second B.F.A in painting, from the San Francisco Art Institute. Araujo has been painting San Francisco’s central city architecture for over a decade. Her interest in the Mid-Market neighborhood continues, addressing the themes of urban growth and decay. She has been exhibiting in San Francisco since 1998. Her work has been written about in the San Francisco Chronicle, ARTslant, Beyondchron, and the San Francisco Bay Guardian. She lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area. To view her complete portfolio and resume please visit: