Beneath Everything, There is Only Love Ebook
de by Paula Maree Lewis
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After a life of high achievement and striving for perfection, Paula is flung into a whole new chapter, where nothing seems to go right, her health collapses, she is unable to work and the depth of her depression finds her standing close to an edge from which there is no return.
Amidst the fight, struggle and self-annihilation, Paula begins to see herself and the world through a new inner sight, just like the beautiful lotus flower, which grows up out of the mud, so too, may wisdom and grace arise from the murky depths of our greatest despair. Here in, are some glimpses of insight and wisdom from Paula’s unravelling and unfolding.
Amidst the fight, struggle and self-annihilation, Paula begins to see herself and the world through a new inner sight, just like the beautiful lotus flower, which grows up out of the mud, so too, may wisdom and grace arise from the murky depths of our greatest despair. Here in, are some glimpses of insight and wisdom from Paula’s unravelling and unfolding.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Autoayuda
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 210 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: sep. 24, 2012
- Última modificación sep. 24, 2012
- Idioma English
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Acerca del creador
rhydian lewis
brisbane australia
i shoot mostly people, but i also shoot still life. i enjoy shooting weddings, and advertising, and also lifestyle. i can service the whole of australia and new zealand in the photography field, so if you like my work and would like to work with me, then please call. rhydian x