Acerca del libro
coordinates of cosmological events
with human interactions
that create journal entries in
the notebook of time
with human interactions
that create journal entries in
the notebook of time
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Poesía
Características: 13×20 cm
N.º de páginas: 22 - Fecha de publicación: sep. 14, 2012
- Palabras clave ElizabethAnnTures, SierraLeone, HumanitarianRights, Children'sRights, HamzaAl-Khatib, MohamedBouazizi, AhmedFouadNegm, CosmologicalTheory, ArabSpring, India, Morocco, Indonesia, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Einstein
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Acerca del creador
Ruth Follmann
Chicago, IL
quantum poet, with a voracious appetite for science, history, nature, & human rights issues, in exploration of the beauty and horror of words