Encierro N'awlins Ebook
The Big Easy Rollergirls
de by Sharon Lorimer
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It's the Big Easy Rollergirls' tribute to the San Fermin encierro fiesta in Pamplona, Spain. The Rollergirls dress up as bulls, the streets on the waterfront are closed and the residents of, and visitors to, New Orleans get out bed early (or stay up), dress in white, wear red pañuelos (handkerchiefs) and run with the bulls.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 20 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: ago. 26, 2012
- Última modificación ago. 26, 2012
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave spain, bulls, rollergirls, New, Orleans, NOLA, rollerskating, fiesta, festival, pamplona, running
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Acerca del creador
Sharon McMenemy Khan
New York, USA
I'm a no fuss gourmet and you can be too. Our philosophy of cooking and mixing is that good food and drink is transformative. It can change your mood, outlook and preconceptions. We find our food and our cocktails to be reflective of our philosophy. We don’t want creating a meal or making a cocktail to be onerous. Whether simple or complex, the journey from shopping to serving and mixing should be enjoyed. Visit our site for more information about joining the #nofussgourmet VIP club.