Events in Honor of Fourteen Years of Service to The Cathedral Church of St. Paul Burlington, Vermont May 6, 2012
de Photography by Paul Van de Graaf & Gerry Davis
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Características: Apaisado estándar, 25×20 cm
N.º de páginas: 46 - Fecha de publicación: jul. 25, 2012
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Gerry Davis
Williston, Vermont, USA
Gerry Davis is a photographer with a great love for the Vermont countryside, hill farms, sailing, seacoasts, church, fishing, and particularly people at work and at play. He takes great pleasure in sharing images of special times and special places. He works as a Professor of Medicine at the University of Vermont and a lung disease specialist at Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington. He is a transplanted “Flat-Lander” who came to Vermont almost 40 years ago; in another 2 generations his family will be “natives”.