Hidden Promise of the Mayan Sacred Calendar
de by Dwayne Edward Rourke
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Fe y religión
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 108 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: may. 08, 2012
- Última modificación feb. 20, 2025
- Idioma English
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In the late sixties, as a young undergraduate at the University of Calgary, I viewed the very first images of Earth sent back from space. Uplifted and inspired by the primordial majesty and beauty of what I witnessed in those seminal images, I suddenly conceived of myself as an "Earth person," someone with an identity far more expansive and inclusive than anything offered by my culture of birth. Instinctively, I seized the moment and began a life-long quest that has engendered in me, a fulfilling sense of mystic participation in the dawn of a new era for humanity. As part of my own contribution to the emergence of that era, I have formulated a synthesis of astrology, yoga and mythology that simultaneously fosters individual human sovereignty and collective co-creativity. I call it The Lightning Path and my books are inspired by my ongoing inner and outer explorations of it.