de Patrick Beckers
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Acerca del libro
From 1996 until 2008, I visited some 65 cities in 22 different countries on five continents. In order to do so, I travelled by plane, helicopter, car, balloon, boat, taxi, train, metro, bike and on foot; I flew for almost 550 hours, departed from and landed on 51 airports in 22 different countries, in a total of 125 long and short flights. All to make pictures of high-rise buildings and the cities they can be found in.
It was an incredible and unforgettable experience. Most of the pictures found in this book have already been published in other books, but I wanted to make one final book to tell the world about these travels, show them the pictures, and tell the readers a little bit about the things that happened while I was there. No earthshaking stories, just little personal ones, that made all these travels even more unforgettable.
Het boek is geschreven in twee talen. Het Engelse gedeelte heb ik gehaald uit mijn website Skyscraper Picture Collection, waar het overgrote deel van mijn foto's op wolkenkrabber gebied te vinden is. Het Nederlandse gedeelte is mijn persoonlijke terugblik op elke stad waarin ik verbleef. Ik zal de meeste van deze steden vrijwel zeker nooit meer bezoeken, maar elke stad heeft op de een of andere manier een onuitwisbare indruk op me achtergelaten, die ik in dit boek wil vereeuwigen.
Ik heb geprobeerd geen tweede wolkenkrabber boek van dit boek te maken. Vandaar dat er ook de nodige andere foto's in dit boek terug te vinden zijn, die voor een groot deel nog nooit eerder gepubliceerd zijn. Toch zijn er veel foto's van (hoge) gebouwen in dit boek te vinden. Dat is onontkoombaar; ik was immers juist vanwege die gebouwen naar al deze steden gereisd.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
Características: Apaisado grande, 33×28 cm
N.º de páginas: 440 -
- Tapa dura, sobrecubierta: 9781320151955
- Fecha de publicación: may. 01, 2012
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Travel, skyscrapers, buildings, architecture
Acerca del creador
Patrick Beckers is from Maastricht, The Netherlands. He has been taken pictures since 1981, but it really became a hobby from 1987 onwards. He started his photograph-career with motor-racing pictures. These days, architecture photography is his specialty, although once or twice a year, he still turns up at motor-racing events. From 1998 til 2008, he travelled around the world to take pictures of the world's tallest skyscrapers and he even released some books on this subject. Since 2012, taking pictures of European castles has been his main objective. Many of his (architecture) pictures have been used in books, magazines, leaflets, and on other websites. His website, his photography, his publishing and other journalistic work have always been done as a hobby, with no direct means of commercial profit. The little profit, if any, he makes, he uses to update his photo equipment and to pay for his travel expenses.