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Rare Books in California
A Photographic Memoir
de Edward McCann
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This book, through black and white photography, shows the adventures of a Canadian museum curator and book collector at the San Francisco Antiquarian Book Fair. McCann , a rare book collector since age 15 and photographer since age 12, selects humorous and telling images to share of the world of rarefied books. Sit back and smile.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Fotografía artística
- Categorías adicionales Biografías y memorias
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 36 -
- Tapa blanda: 9798331251574
- Fecha de publicación: jul. 09, 2008
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave photography, art, fine
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