sejít někdy z cesty nemusí být scestný
de Jaroslav Homolka
Este es el precio que tus clientes ven.
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Děkuji Jarda Homolka
vše, co se nevešlo do knihy najdete postupně tady:
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Deportes y aventura
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 156 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: dic. 21, 2011
- Última modificación sep. 22, 2022
- Idioma Czech
Acerca del creador
Strongly committed to personal development programs for over twenty years. He is the founder of gro s.r.o. - an educational agency, which this year celebrates 20 years in business. During this period, more than 18,000 people have attended its programs, and he has worked on the personal development of more than 200 leading Czech managers. He is the author of the special personality development program - Personal Sparring Partner ©. His specialty is the development of personality, leadership, personal coaching, strategic thinking, teamwork and negotiation. He has worked on many key projects related to changes in company culture and changes in the ownership structure of large and medium-sized companies. Worked for four years as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Wüstenrot Building Society plc. He continues to cooperate with the Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies and Sheffield Hallam University in MBA programs as an external lecturer with a focus on teamwork, personal effectiven