When Egypt was our Home
de Ginda Simpson
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After spending weeks sorting through photographs (you know, the ones we keep in shoeboxes) of our years spent in Egypt, I put my artistic energies to work and created a memory book for my family. In doing so, I reminisced often about the friends who either shared these experiences with me personally or had similar memories of their expat years in this incredible country. The preview covers the whole book – pyramids and mosques, Maadi and feluccas, the Nile and the desert oases, and especially the beautiful faces of the people - so travel through the memories with me. If you would enjoy your own copy of the photo-memory book “When Egypt was our Home” I have made it available by invitation. You, of course, can share this link with other Egypt expats you know.
Características y detalles
Características: Apaisado estándar, 25×20 cm
N.º de páginas: 146 - Fecha de publicación: oct. 27, 2011
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Ginda Simpson
Ginda has been a painter and a writer for three decades - and a dreamer forever... She is married, has three daughters and five grandchildren. Ginda lived in Egypt from 1993 to 1999, during which time she painted over 100 paintings of Egypt and the Egyptian people. Many of these were reproduced in her first book, "Morning of Light - an Egyptian Journal." Ginda currently lives in Italy where she continues to write and to paint. Look for her book "Italian Wanderlust" which celebrates not only the hotels of "Rooms with a View," but also the landscapes, the food, the traditions and the festivals of Italy. Order a copy as a companion to this book.